/ Comparison of the frequency of positive T-ACE questionnaire among mothers of term and preterm newborns


  • Inês Maria Crespo Gutierrez Pardo FCMS/PUC-SP
  • Lenita Machado Glass FCMS/PUC-SP
  • Felipe Mendes Oliveira FCMS/PUC-SP
  • Sandra Regina Dantas Nascimento FCMS/PUC-SP
  • Valéria Cristina Ramos Santucci FCMS/PUC-SP
  • José Eduardo Gomes Bueno Miranda FCMS/PUC-SP


questionnaires, alcoholism, smoking, pregnancy, infant premature, newborn.


Objectives: the objectives of this study were to verify the frequency of positively T-ACE questionnaire during pregnancy of mothers of preterm newborns comparing to the term birth ones and to evaluate the association of alcohol consume referred by the questionnaires with maternal and paternal smoking. Methods: observational and cross-sectional study, with sequential recruitment of 142 puerperal women in a public maternity hospital. An interview had been applied, in order to collect clinical and socio demographical data, and the T-ACE questionnaire. The term and preterm newborn were measured (weight, length and cranial perimeter) at birth. The study was approved by the local ethical committee and the women's participation was made by signing a free and explained consent term. The analysis of the data was made by using SPSS program, with significance level of 5%. Results: 21.1% of the women interviewed were considered consumers of alcohol by the T-ACE questionnaire. When divided between mothers of term and preterm births, it was noticed that 21% of positive T-ACE test were from the term group and 21.3% from the preterm group (p = 0.98). There was a significant association between the T-ACE questionnaire positivity and mother -father smoking during pregnancy (p = 0.04). Conclusions: approximately two out of ten pregnant women have tested positive T-ACE, with no difference between the group of term and preterm births. The association between the alcohol and smoke during pregnancy suggests the importance of the T-ACE questionnaire, considering that these two agents potentiate adverse effects on the fetus.


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Author Biographies

Inês Maria Crespo Gutierrez Pardo, FCMS/PUC-SP

Professora do Depto. de Medicina FCMS/PUC-SP

Lenita Machado Glass, FCMS/PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Medicina FCMS/PUC-SP

Felipe Mendes Oliveira, FCMS/PUC-SP

Acadêmico do curso de Medicina FCMS/PUC-SP

Sandra Regina Dantas Nascimento, FCMS/PUC-SP

Professora do Depto. de Medicina FCMS/PUC-SP

Valéria Cristina Ramos Santucci, FCMS/PUC-SP

Professora do Depto. de Medicina FCMS/PUC-SP

José Eduardo Gomes Bueno Miranda, FCMS/PUC-SP

Professor do Depto. de Medicina FCMS/PUC-SPa


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How to Cite

Pardo IMCG, Glass LM, Oliveira FM, Nascimento SRD, Santucci VCR, Miranda JEGB. / Comparison of the frequency of positive T-ACE questionnaire among mothers of term and preterm newborns. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2013Dec.16 [cited 2024Jul.18];15(4):105-8. Available from: https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/RFCMS/article/view/10436



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