Radiological and histological correlation according to BI-RADS system: positive predictive value of categories 3, 4 and 5
predictive value of tests, mammography, breast neoplasms.Abstract
ABSTRACTObjective: to analyze studies comparing mammographic findings according to BI-RADS, with histology, evaluating the positive predictive value of categories 3, 4 and 5. Materials and Methods: a review was conducted of Medline - Pubmed e SciELO - Lilacs, using the terms: “predictive value” and “BI-RADS or BIRADS” and “mammography”. Fifteen articles were included in this review, with the following criteria: original articles evaluating the positive predictive value (PPV) of categories 3, 4 and 5, based on the histopathological results of at least 100 injuries, work published since 1998; Articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Results: the positive predictive value of categories 3, 4 and 5 ranges between 0% and 8%, 4% and 67,8%, 54% and 100%, respectively. It was found that the lesions of greatest risk for malignant masses are speculated margin, high density and irregular shape and branching calcifications described as thin, linear or segmental distribution. We also found that the most common cancer in the calcified lesions were ductal carcinoma in situ and in the others lesions were infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Conclusion: the classification of BI-RADS system is useful and valuable to predict the presence of malignancy, allowing to discriminate, with some security, patients with higher risk of breast cancer. To reduce the performance of unnecessary invasive procedures, we suggest that the lesions are also analyzed according to morphological criteria.
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