Application of a registration instrument in systematized nursing care in occupational health assistence in a metals company


  • Aline Cristina Silveira Sotero PUC-SP
  • Mariana Prestes Lungwtz PUC-SP
  • Nicole Bianca Caramuru Pauferro PUC-SP
  • Leni Boghossiam Lanza PUC-SP


occupational health, nursing process, nursing care, occupational health nursing.


Objective: the aim of the study was the development, execution and evaluation of  an instrument  that collects the workers' data, aiming at the implementation of the Occupational Health Nursing's Information System. Methods: the study was about a qualitative profile study, which had the collaboration of a metallurgy company' nurse nearby Sorocaba (SP). The instrument was used by the company's nurse in 30 routine consultations with the company's workers. Results showed that the tool provided a wide overview of the workers' health condition, and also synthesized the flux in the health system, even though applying the data collecting tool consumed a reasonable amount of time, making its use impracticable due to shortage of nurses. The study also showed that it is essential for the nurses to be aware of the need for working in a scientific way, so that their results are relevant, both for the company and for the quality of health care.


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Author Biographies

Aline Cristina Silveira Sotero, PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP

Mariana Prestes Lungwtz, PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP

Nicole Bianca Caramuru Pauferro, PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP

Leni Boghossiam Lanza, PUC-SP

Professora do Depto. de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP


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How to Cite

Sotero ACS, Lungwtz MP, Pauferro NBC, Lanza LB. Application of a registration instrument in systematized nursing care in occupational health assistence in a metals company. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2013Dec.16 [cited 2024Jul.18];15(4):109-11. Available from:



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