knowledge of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients inserted into the adult health care program


  • Eliana de Fatima Martins Greghi
  • Daniela Miori Pascon FCMS/PUC-SP



diabetes mellitus, diabetes complications, knowledge, attitudes, and practice in health, self-care, health education


Introduction: The type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is considered a public health problem, likely to have interventions directed to prevent complications especially in patients assisted on the Primary Health Care. Objective: To identify the knowledge of patients with DM2 inserted on the adult care program. Methods: Descriptive study, transversal, developed at the Family Health Unit located in a countryside city of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Results: Of the 60 patients who have voluntarily participated in the research, 39 (65.0%) were female and 21 (35.0%) were male. The length of the disease, reported by most of the patients, was of less than 10 years and 53 (88.3%) patients alleged to know the complications caused by the disease. Most of the information about the disease complications were given to the patients by the nursing staff, followed by doctors and a multidisciplinary team. Amputation (n=16; 26.6%); wounds (n=4; 6.6%); and infection (n=6; 10.0%) were reported as complications. Moreover, 6 (10.0%) patients were unfamiliar with any kind of complications and 28 (46.6%) had knowledge about more than 1 complication. The majority of the patients (n=59; 98.3%) considered DM2 a serious disease, which imposes changes on daily routine and huge alterations in life style. Conclusion: The results show that the adult care program reported improvement in the patients’ knowledge about DM2 and the possible complications.


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Author Biographies

Eliana de Fatima Martins Greghi

Ex Aluna de Pós Graduação em enfermagem de UTI

Daniela Miori Pascon, FCMS/PUC-SP

Professora do Depto. de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP


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How to Cite

Greghi E de FM, Pascon DM. knowledge of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients inserted into the adult health care program. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2017Jan.23 [cited 2024Dec.20];18(4):204-9. Available from:



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