The quality of life after a femoral neck fracture in elderly patients: a comparative study between internal fixation and arthroplasties


  • Dennis Sansanovicz - PUC-SP (Pesquisador Voluntário) - USP (Pós-graduando do Programa de Mestrado em Ortopedia e Traumatologia) - HC-FMUSP (Médico Assistente Voluntário do Grupo de Quadril do IOT-HCFMUSP)
  • Felipe Caravatto Baras Médico Residente em Ortopedia e Traumatologia da PUC-SP
  • Rodrigo João Camargo da Silva Médico Residente em Ortopedia e Traumatologia da PUC-SP
  • David de Mello Marin Médico Residente em Ortopedia e Traumatologia da PUC-SP
  • Eduardo da Costa Brandão Prota Médico Residente em Ortopedia e Traumatologia da PUC-SP
  • Luiz Angêlo Vieira Professor Assistente da FCMS da PUC-SP
  • Celso Augusto de Nadalini Simoneti Professor Titular da FCMS da PUC-SP
  • Edie Benedito Caetano Professor Livre-Docente e Chefe do Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da FCMS da PUC-SP



hip fractures, arthroplasty, replacement, hip, fracture fixation, internal, quality of life


Introduction: The femoral neck fracture is a frequent pathology in the elderly population, with about of 100,000 cases per year in Brazil. The surgical treatment by internal fixation or arthroplastic hip replacement is advocated today. The non-surgical treatment is reserved for cases of exception. Objective: To compare the quality of patient postoperative life treated for femoral neck fracture by two different techniques: hip arthroplasty and internal fixation. Methods: Through the SF-36 questionnaire, we study the quality of life of 60 patients with more than 65 years, treated between 2004 and 2012 in our service. Half of the patients was submitted to internal fixation and the other half to the arthroplastic replacement. Results: Higher averages in the large majority of the parameters of the questionnaire were obtained by the group which was carried out by internal fixation, but without statistical significance in most of these differences. Some international reports indicate that patients who have suffered a fracture of the femoral neck and were treated with internal fixation may recover the quality of life they had before the fracture. Paradoxically, there is a growing trend among orthopedic surgeons to perform a hip replacement surgery in these cases. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to define which is the best surgical treatment option.


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Author Biography

Dennis Sansanovicz, - PUC-SP (Pesquisador Voluntário) - USP (Pós-graduando do Programa de Mestrado em Ortopedia e Traumatologia) - HC-FMUSP (Médico Assistente Voluntário do Grupo de Quadril do IOT-HCFMUSP)

Graduação em Medicina pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Residência Médica em Ortopedia e Traumatologia na PUC-SP. Título de Especialista em Ortopedia e Traumatologia pela Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Membro Títular da Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia - SBOT. Especialização em Cirurgia do Quadril pelo Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Membro Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Quadril - SBQ. Atualmente é aluno de pós-graduação stricto senso (nível Mestrado) no Programa de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Faculdade de Medicina da USP.


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How to Cite

Sansanovicz D, Baras FC, Silva RJC da, Marin D de M, Prota E da CB, Vieira LA, Simoneti CA de N, Caetano EB. The quality of life after a femoral neck fracture in elderly patients: a comparative study between internal fixation and arthroplasties. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2017Jan.23 [cited 2025Mar.6];18(4):210-3. Available from:



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