Intestinal obstruction for biliary lithiasis: case report


  • Miguel Enrique Rodriguez Rodriguez Hospital Dr Miguel Enriquez Dirección del Hospital: Ramón Pinto 202, Luyano , La Habana. Cuba
  • Oscar Díaz Pi
  • Javier Mellado Herrera
  • Luis Emilio Jurit Rodriguez
  • Gandy Guasch Figueras



intestinal obstruction, cholelithiasis, ileus, gallstones


The biliary ileum is an infrequent complication of cholelithiasis, that is manifested as an intestinal obstruction, is more prevalent in aged people. The clinical square of the biliary ileum is diffuse and the Triad of Rigler is observed in less than 30% of the patient one. The surgical treatment goes from enterotomía and litotricia to the colecistectomía with treatment of the water-pipe. The case of a female, 86-year-old patient is presented that after a week of symptoms and of medical treatment it was detected the presence of a mechanical intestinal obstruction for which the patient underwent emergency surgery. As the cause of occlusion it was found a thick gallstone in a jejunal loop.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Enrique Rodriguez Rodriguez, Hospital Dr Miguel Enriquez Dirección del Hospital: Ramón Pinto 202, Luyano , La Habana. Cuba

Oscar Díaz Pi

Especialista de Primer Grado en Cirugía General. Hospital” Dr. Miguel Enríquez”. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. La Habana, Cuba

Javier Mellado Herrera

Especialista de Primer Grado en Cirugía General. Jefe de Servicio de Cirugía General del  Hospital” Dr. Miguel Enríquez”.  Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. La Habana, Cuba

Luis Emilio Jurit Rodriguez

Profesor Consultante. Especialista de Segundo Grado de Cirugía General.  Jefe de Grupo Básico Endocrino del  Hospital” Dr. Miguel Enríquez”. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. La Habana, Cuba

Gandy Guasch Figueras

Residente de 2 do  año de Cirugía General Hospital” Dr. Miguel Enríquez” .Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. La Habana, Cuba


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Rodriguez ME, Díaz Pi O, Mellado Herrera J, Jurit Rodriguez LE, Guasch Figueras G. Intestinal obstruction for biliary lithiasis: case report. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2017Jun.26 [cited 2024Dec.21];19(2):97-9. Available from:



Case Report