Profile of injured patients in a neurosurgery sector of the public hospital of Floriano (Piauí, Brazil)




inpatients, neurosurgery, medical records, hospital units.


Objective: To analyze the profile of patients treated by this specialty. Method: Data collection was performed through investigation and analysis of medical records of the neurosurgery sector of Hospital Regional Tibério Nunes. This was an exploratory and descriptive field research, with a quantitative approach. Results: The research population is made up of the medical records of hospitalized patients in the neurosurgery sector from June to December 2017. A sample of 31 medical records (67.3%), of which 90% were researched and analyzed. Of them, 10% were female, the age group that appeared most frequently was 21 to 30 years old, whereas the profession that stood out was that of farmer, with a total of 38.70% followed by retired people, accounting for 16.12%. As to skin color, 100% declared to be pardo, and all the 27 city. The most common cause of neurosurgery was TBI (traumatic brain injury) , with 83%, the circumstances of the exit mostly prevailing hospital discharge, with 87%. Conclusion: Research contributed to the knowledge of the profile of neurological patients treated at the hospital studied. However, due to the poor organization of information and medical records, unnecessary sample loss was observed, which could be avoided with improvements in the proper archiving and filling service of the sociodemographic and clinical information inherent to the neurological patient.


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How to Cite

Muniz I da S, Oliveira MD, Meneses FRT, Nolêto S de S, Morais FKM. Profile of injured patients in a neurosurgery sector of the public hospital of Floriano (Piauí, Brazil). Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2021Aug.31 [cited 2024Dec.21];22(2):53-8. Available from:



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