The influence of leader behavior and gender on the quality of the leader-led relationship and job satisfaction


  • Denise Mathias Viana Fundação Getúlio Vargas
  • Lucia B. Oliveira Fundação Getúlio Vargas



Leadership, Leader behavior, Gender, LMX, Job satisfaction


The purpose of this study was to analyze how communal, agentic, and androgynous behaviors of leaders influence leader-member exchange quality and the job satisfaction of the followers. It was also assessed whether gender – of the leader, the follower, and the leader-follower dyad – interferes in these outcomes. A total of 441 workers participated in the research. The results showed that leader-member exchange quality and job satisfaction is higher among subordinates whose leaders exhibit communal and androgynous behaviors, compared to agentic behavior. Furthermore, it was found that gender does not significantly impact these outcomes. Implications of these results are discussed.


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