The Concept of Verbal-visual Quotation Marks and their Classifications



Verbal-visual quotation marks, Autonymic modalization, Verbal-visuality


This article aims to present the concept of verbal-visual quotation marks and their classifications. Once the phenomenon is taken in its verbal-visual dimension, it must be understood as an opacifying meta-utterative unfolding (in an analogy to autonymic modalizations in the verbal dimension), resulting from certain relations between verbal and visual elements that constitute the same utterance. The three classifications of the phenomenon are: verbal-visual quotation marks with a direct relationship between verbal and visual elements; verbal-visual quotation marks that opacify verbal elements on the visual plane, and verbal-visual quotation marks with opacifying verbal-visual allegory. This paper aims to contribute to the field of language studies by providing it with the concept of verbal-visual quotation marks and its classifications, and to offer a new theoretical-methodological instrument to research that focuses on the verbal-visual dimension of utterances and their ways of producing meaning effects.


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Author Biography

Rodolfo Vianna, PUCSP

Doutor (2016) e Mestre (2011) em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, sob orientação da Profa. Dra. Elisabeth Brait. Bacharel em Comunicação Social com habilitação em Jornalismo pela Universidade de São Paulo - USP - (2007). Realizou estágio doutoral (2013-2014/Bolsa CAPES) na Universidade Paris IV - Sorbonne, sob coorientação do Prof. Dr. Dominique Maingueneau. É membro do GP/CNPq/PUC-SP Linguagem, Identidade e Memória ( Possui interesse nas áreas de análise dialógica do discurso, história da linguística, manifestações de ironia em discursos informativos e construção de sentidos na verbo-visualidade.



How to Cite

Vianna, R. (2019). The Concept of Verbal-visual Quotation Marks and their Classifications. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 15(1), Port. 61–80 / Eng. 63. Retrieved from


