M. M. Bakhtin as a University Professor
Bakhtin, University Professor, Methodology at the UniversityAbstract
Translated directly from the Russian[1], this text is a section of the first chapter of the book Mikhail Mikháilovitch Bakhtin i fenómen “Kruga Bakhtina” [Mikhail Mikháilovitch Bakhtin and the phenomeno of the “Bakhtin’s Circle”], published in Russian in 2013. Through the documents discovered in archives and declarations from people, who worked with Bakhtin in the Mordovia University, the author shows a Bakhtin’s face unknown for the brazilian public: his work as university professor and chief of Russian and Foreign Literatures Department. We discover a professor worried not only about the mastery of academic contents, but also about his students’ teaching-learning process and about the development of a methodology of teaching turned to autonomous researches and thinkers’ formation.
[1] “M. M. Bakhtin as a University Professor” by Nikolai L Vasiliev. This interesting article is based on the archives of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of the Mordovian National Pedagogical Institute, where Bakhtin worked as a professor and a chair. The minutes from various department meetings provide an interesting window into the topics discussed and Bakhtin’s own perceptions and views of University students and teaching problems.
For the English version, see: Vasiliev, N. (2018). M. M. Bakhtin as a University Professor. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 6. doi: https://doi.org/10.5195/dpj.2018.234;
< https://dpj.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/dpj1/article/view/234>
Translated from Russian into Portuguese by Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo (USP) – sheilagrillo@uol.com.br; and, Ekaterina Vólkova Américo (UFF) – katia-v@yandex.ru