Dancing Bodies at School: Dialogues between Performative Education and the Bakhtinian Perspective



Dance, Body, Performative education, Bakhtin and the Circle


This article proposes a dialogue between performative education and the Bakhtinian perspective based on reflections on the dancing body as a transformative force in/of/about the school. In understanding the communication of the body as a materiality of the individual consciousness that enunciates infinite dialogic chains through dancing, it is essential to conceive movement as a sign text, filled with voices that can be read and interpreted. By investigating basic assumptions of performative education in a dialogical approach to a body that enunciates through dancing (danced-utterance), this strictly theoretical article seeks to point out possible paths to (re)think practices regarding the communication and expression of the body at school.


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Author Biographies

Michelle Bocchi Gonçalves, UFPR/UNIVALI

Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Atua na Licenciatura em Educação do Campo e nos Programas de Pós Graduação em Educação (PPGE) e Educação: Teoria e Prática de Ensino (PPGE:TPEn). Pós-doutoranda (PNPD-CAPES) no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Atualmente pesquisa as relações entre performance e educação em contextos educacionais escolares e não escolares.

Thais Castilho, UFPR

Bailarina e Professora de Dança em Araçatuba/SP. Graduada em Dança pela UNESPAR. Mestre em Educação (UFPR). Doutoranda em Educação (UFPR).

Jair Mario Gabardo Junior, UFPR

Bailarino e Professor de Dança em Curitiba. Graduado em Dança (UNESPAR) e Mestrando em Educação (UFPR).



How to Cite

Gonçalves, M. B., Castilho, T., & Gabardo Junior, J. M. (2019). Dancing Bodies at School: Dialogues between Performative Education and the Bakhtinian Perspective. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 14(3), Port. 136–155 / Eng. 139. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/bakhtiniana/article/view/37810


