The Fool and the Madman. Notes on the Contemporary Cultural Scene



Lotman, Madman, Fool, Norm, Social change, Contemporary culture


In his book Culture and Explosion, Lotman studies the dynamics of culture using the fool and the madman as paradigm characters incarnating social change. Immersed in the space of a semiosphere, human acts gain meaning only in the context of the particular universe they take place in, when understood as a whole. Lotman invites us to consider the ternary structure fool/smart/crazy as a continuum where we can gauge individual and collective adequacy to the norm. Here, I summarize Lotman’s multifaceted description through my own lens with the aid of some examples centered on the notion of the fool and the madman in some representative spaces. I am particularly interested in finding paradigm changes through the reading of contemporary texts, or better said, through some complex manifestations of madness and stupidity, which are difficult to translate accurately without a subjective assessment.


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Author Biography

Pampa Arán, UNC

Docente e investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Centro de Estudios Avanzados, FCS. Profesora emérita. Se especializa en Teoria literaria desde una perspectiva sociocultural, con orientación semiótica.



How to Cite

Arán, P. (2019). The Fool and the Madman. Notes on the Contemporary Cultural Scene. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 14(4), Port. 141–156 / Eng. 137. Retrieved from


