Other Quixotes – Notes on the Discourse in Cervantes and Borges



Heteroglossia, Dialogism, Miguel de Cervantes, Jorge Luis Borges


This article discusses several of Bakhtin’s concepts regarding discourse in the novel genre (especially those found in his texts Epic and Novel and Discourse in the Novel) as a way to understand some discursive aspects of Miguel de Cervantes’ Dom Quixote. We then proceed to a comparison with the discourse in another literary work that partially reproduces Dom Quixote: the short story “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote,” by Jorge Luis Borges. Finally, we briefly discuss the problem of Dom Quixote’s almost absence in Bakhtin’s work about the novel genre, while presenting the hypothesis by Walter Reed that, as in Borges’ short story, Bakhtin’s theory itself also partially reproduces the Quixote’s particular way of thinking.


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Author Biographies

Newton de Castro Pontes, URCA

Professor adjunto de Teoria da Literatura na Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA, Departamento de Línguas e Literaturas; doutor em Teoria da Literatura pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE.

Edson Soares Martins, URCA

Professor associado de Literatura Brasileira na Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA, Departamento de Línguas e Literaturas; doutor em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB.



How to Cite

Pontes, N. de C., & Martins, E. S. (2019). Other Quixotes – Notes on the Discourse in Cervantes and Borges. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 15(1), Port. 107–126 / Eng. 110. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/bakhtiniana/article/view/39657


