The Diatribe in Meaning Making of Paul’s Letter to Romans



Letter to Romans, Diatribe, Meaning making, Dialogical relations


In this work it was analized the diatribe in the meaning making of the Paul’s letter to Romans, focusing on the dialogical relations in its use in the enunciative construction of the letter. Thus, it dialogues with the enunciative language perspective from Bakhtin’s Circle, from a qualitative and interpretative approach. The analysis of the letter showed the occurrence of the diatribe materialized in the linguistic-enunciative elements that configure the rhetorical direct discourse. In terms of using this diatribical resource in meaning making, the letter reveals its internal dialogicity, veiled dialogue, the meeting of voices and discourses, materializing enunciatively recipients’ points of view. Therefore, meaning making settles down under bigger and smaller influence of the other and their anticipated response.


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Author Biography

Ilderlândio Assis de Andrade Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN/RN

Doutor em Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística (PROLING) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Educação (DEDUC) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), no Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó (CERES), em Caicó-RN. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa em Práticas de Linguagens, Sociedade e Educação (GEPLISE). Desenvolve estudos com foco nas práticas de linguagens, com ênfase nas seguintes temáticas: texto, discurso e construção de sentidos; gêneros discursivos; discurso citado; dialogismo; autoria; leitura, produção e ensino de textos; ensino de língua materna



How to Cite

Nascimento, I. A. de A. (2021). The Diatribe in Meaning Making of Paul’s Letter to Romans. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 16(3), Port. 134–159 / Eng. 137. Retrieved from


