Poetry and the Popularization of Science About and Under Quarantine. Poetic Quarantine of the Brazilian Academy of Cordel Literature
Divulgação científica, Poesia, Cordel, Pandemia, COVID-19Abstract
This paper analyzed the poetic production of a cultural event that took place during the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil in 2020. In this article, we present the data from the analysis of the campaign of the Brazilian Academy of Cordel Literature called “Poetic Quarantine” that started in April 2020 due to the implemented social isolation measures. Using methodological tools from Patrick Charaudeau’s semiolinguistic theory, we investigate how scientific themes and representations of science emerge in the small works of cordel of the research corpus. In our results, we noticed the diversity of authors in this campaign and identified in their speech will the strategies and discursive organizations mobilized by them. We concluded that these representations appear alongside manifestations that describe the subjective experiences of the authors of the works of cordel, interspersed with conflicting views, which reflect and refract the controversial nature of science.
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