Intermediality and Intericonicity: A Possible Dialogue?
Discourse Analysis, Christian Discourse, Intericonicity, IntermedialityAbstract
This paper proposes a dialogue between two concepts available for image analysis within the scope of discourse studies: intermediality and intericonicity. The former is characterized by the authorial intent to reproduce an image in a different medium environment. The latter postulates that the interrelationship between images is unconscious. It is argued that the bringing together of these distinct categories allows for the expansion of the theoretical perspectives they embody, namely, social and psychological. Different representations of the burial of Christ are analyzed as they appear in three supports: (i) the Gospels (written Christian discourse); (ii) the paintings by van der Weyden and Rubens (Catholic Christian pictorial discourse); (iii) and the photograph of Clóvis Miranda (photographic journalistic discourse).
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