Linguist, Literary Theorist, Poet and Chess Player.
Professor Nikolai Vasiliev’s Memory
N. Vasiliev, M. Bakhtin, V. Vološinov, Bakhtin studies, The Bakhtin CircleAbstract
The article presents an overview of the life and works of the Russian scholar, philologist Professor Nikolay Vasiliev (1955-2021) and the assessment of his contribution to international Bakhtin studies. For many years the authors have communicated and cooperated with N. Vasiliev during the long years that give them the opportunity not only to create a portrait of this serious researcher, but also to show the world his hobbies, how his biography influenced on the choice of the issue of Bakhtin studies as a central topic for his research. Special attention is paid to his proposed solutions to the problem of disputed texts.
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