Creating a Large-Scale Audio-Aligned Parsed Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child and Child-Directed Speech (BiRCh): Challenges, Solutions, and Implications for Research
Spoken Russian corpus, Disfluency annotation, Morphological tagging, Syntactic parsing, Bilingual and heritage speakersAbstract
The BiRCh Project (The Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child Speech) involves collecting a longitudinal audio corpus of Russian spoken by children and their families in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, the U.S., and Canada. We are building a large-scale corpus based on a subset of this data, the “Parsed and Audio-aligned Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child and Child-directed Speech (BiRCh)” with two basic components: (1) 1-million-word transcripts which are time-aligned with the audio speech signal and fully text-searchable, and (2) a 500K-word morphologically annotated and parsed portion of the transcripts, also audio-aligned. We are using this corpus to investigate various phenomena in the linguistic input and the developmental trajectory of heritage bilinguals, e.g., case, gender, passives, impersonals, politeness markers, disfluencies, and discourse markers. This article focuses on the challenges and solutions of the BiRCh development and the implications for research on the richly annotated data provided by the corpus.
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