The Philosophy Behind the Conversation: Implicatures and the Indirect Speech Acts



Literality, Convention, Pragmatics, Illocutionary act, Cooperation


Although these are studies performed by different authors and in a certain way independent from one another, the theories of Implicatures by Paul Grice and of Indirect Speech Acts by John Searle are not only deep linked but, in fact, are mutually complementary, for we can see the crucial importance of the comprehension of both of them in order to obtain a better grasp on the notion of “Non-literality.” This work will show the main properties of both theories and how they work together in an organic and symbiotic way.


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How to Cite

Souza, E. . (2023). The Philosophy Behind the Conversation: Implicatures and the Indirect Speech Acts. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 18(2), Port. 9–38 / Eng. 9. Retrieved from


