The Jewish Amazon by Moacyr Scliar: The Word of the Other as Affirmation of the Noncoincidence of the Other in Oneself



Amazonian expression, Jewish expression, The other in Brazilian regionalism


By analyzing two of Moacyr Scliar’s novels, Cenas da vida minúscula [Scenes of a Minuscule Life] and A Majestade do Xingu [Xingu’s Magesty], this paper proposes a trajectory of risk and acknowledgment of the word of the other in permanent transit, for possibly affirming the Jewish imaginary, with the Amazon as background for highly inventive plots by the “gaucho” (from Rio Grande do Sul) writer. In both novels, there are powerful orchestrating voices, capable of producing labyrinthine dialogical excavations.[1] Such voices refer to the production of several possibilities of affirming the assimilated voice of the other, evoking the projective force of devouring the literary perspective proposed. Understanding the assimilation of the word of the other becomes an essential instrument to contact the complexity of the formation and foundation of many ethnicities that intersected in Brazil.


[1] TN. The author uses the “excavation” metaphor to refer to the process of identifying the plurality of possibilities in textual analysis.


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Author Biography

João Carlos de Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Acre - Campus Floresta

Professor Associado da Universidade Federal do Acre. Atuo no Campus Floresta, onde ministro Teoria da Literatura entre outras.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, J. C. de . (2023). The Jewish Amazon by Moacyr Scliar: The Word of the Other as Affirmation of the Noncoincidence of the Other in Oneself. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 18(2), Port. 226–247 / Eng. 227. Retrieved from


