Futurality as a Linguosynergetic Category in Postmodern Discourse


  • Akniyet Serikova Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
  • Kusayin Rysaldy Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
  • Rahila Geybullayeva Baku Slavic University


Cognitive, Semantic, Inclination, Verb, Temporality


The relevance of the work is due to the interest in cognitive and discursive research and linguosynergetic aspects implemented in contemporary artistic discourse, including literary, the importance of conducting research on the category of futurality, modality, and the concept of temporality in literary works. The purpose of this article is to examine in detail all aspects that influence the formation of the mentality of English-speaking countries and Kazakhstan: social, cultural, psychological, and linguistic, through a study of the category of futurality and modality in the example of postmodernist prose. The methodological basis was theoretical and comparative, with elements of conceptual, frame, functional-semantic, structural, and synergetic analysis. This article deals with communicative conditions of implementation, semantic and cognitive mechanisms of forming a conceptual picture of the world in the aspect of futurality, and the interaction of temporal categories with other text parameters by using linguosynergetics. It talks about the postmodern perception of temporality and the worldview of English and Kazakh people. A comparative analysis of the works in terms of general mood, themes, ideological concepts, and aesthetic characteristics has been carried out. Methods, ways, and forms (lexico-grammatical, structural, and semantic) of activating cognitive and conceptual understanding of key futural situations and modal meanings have been comprehended.


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How to Cite

Serikova, A., Rysaldy, K. ., & Geybullayeva, R. . (2024). Futurality as a Linguosynergetic Category in Postmodern Discourse. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 19(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/bakhtiniana/article/view/63927


