Publications with Dedicatory Inscriptions in the Collection “The Personal Library of M. M. Bakhtin” of the National Library of the Republic of Mordovia named after A. S. Pushkin: Catalog / N. N. Zemkova; ed. O. A. Paltina. Saransk, 2018. 264 p.


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Publications with Dedicatory Inscriptions in the Collection “The Personal Library of M. M. Bakhtin” of the National Library of the Republic of Mordovia named after A. S. Pushkin: Catalog / N. N. Zemkova; ed. O. A. Paltina. Saransk, 2018. 264 p.



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Biografía del autor/a

Svetlana Dubrovskaya, National Research Mordovia State University

Faculty of philology, Department of Russian as a foreign language,professor

Oleg Osovsky, M. E. Evsevyev Mordovian State Pedagogical University

Faculty of philology, Department of Linguistics and Translation, professor


BAKHTIN, M. M. Sobraniye sochineniy: v 7 t. T. 2. [Collected Works: in 7 vol. V. 2]. Moskva: Russkiye slovari, 2000.

YESTIFEYEVA, V. B. Vospominaniya o Bakhtine (Pervoye desyatiletiye v Saranske). [Memories of Bakhtin (The First Decade in Saransk)] // Dialog. Carnaval. Chronotop. 2000, №1, pp.127-151.

KLYUYEVA, I. V., & LISUNOVA, L. M. M. M. Bakhtin – myslitel', pedagog, chelovek. [M.M. Bakhtin as a Thinker, Teacher, Person]. Saransk, 2010.

MAKHLIN, V. Tozhe razgovor. [Also a Conversation] // Voprosy literatury, 2004, № 3. pp.3-45.

PONOMAREVA, YE. N., & STROGANOV, M. V. O prebyvanii M. M. Bakhtina v Kalininskoy oblasti. // M. M. Bakhtin: problemy nauchnogo naslediya [On M. M. Bakhtin’s Life in the Kalinin Region // Problems of Scientific Heritage]. Izdatel'stvo Mordovskogo universiteta, 1992, pp.145-149.



Cómo citar

Dubrovskaya, S., & Osovsky, O. (2021). Publications with Dedicatory Inscriptions in the Collection “The Personal Library of M. M. Bakhtin” of the National Library of the Republic of Mordovia named after A. S. Pushkin: Catalog / N. N. Zemkova; ed. O. A. Paltina. Saransk, 2018. 264 p. Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 16(4), Port. 157–167 / En. 162. Recuperado a partir de


