The Chronotope of Paris in the Poetry of First-Wave Russian Emigrants: A Case Study of Irina Knorring’s Poems


  • Daria Schukina Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Dorra Aouini Saint Petersburg Mining University

Mots-clés :

Chronotope, Russian diaspora, Poetry, First-wave Russian emigrants, Irina Knorring


This article proposes to use the concept of chronotope in analyzing the literary works of first-wave Russian emigrants in France. It focuses on the artistic representation of the world within the Russian émigrés community in Paris by exploring the poems of Irina Knorring, a representative of the younger generation of first-wave Russian emigrants. In these poems, the figure of the Russian emigrant assumes a central position. By examining them, this research identifies recurring motifs and images with spatial and temporal meanings and discusses the specific features of the chronotope of Paris. In her poems, Knorring not only delves into the inner world and uniqueness of individuals but also reflects upon the collective experiences and shared destiny of Russians in exile. The chronotope in the poet’s works serves as an indispensable element, establishing a cohesive spatial and temporal unity that enables readers to perceive the image of Russian emigrants in Europe (specifically Paris) through the perspective of a Russian vagabond. The chronotopic analysis presented in this article offers a comprehensive spatial and temporal representation of the life trajectory of Russian émigrés in Paris, encompassing both their individual experiences and the broader context of Russian emigration as a whole.


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Comment citer

Schukina, D., & Aouini, D. (2023). The Chronotope of Paris in the Poetry of First-Wave Russian Emigrants: A Case Study of Irina Knorring’s Poems . Bakhtiniana. Revista De Estudos Do Discurso, 18(4). Consulté à l’adresse


