Mathematics teacher specialized knowledge (MTSK) in continuing education: a systematic literature review
Specialized Knowledge, MTSK, Mathematics Education, Basic EducationAbstract
This work consists of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of Brazilian dissertations and theses that deal with mathematics teachers' specialized knowledge (MTSK). The aim of the work is to understand how MTSK, as specific knowledge, is mobilized in Brazilian research aimed at continuing training for mathematics teachers in basic education. To this end, the RSL was carried out, in Pickering and Byrne's (2014) conception, as a research method, in three academic research databases, namely: Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES); the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD); and Google Scholar. After the searches, eight productions were selected, three of which were dissertations and five theses. The analysis of the results indicated that five of the eight productions focus on knowledge linked to the Mathematical Knowledge (MK) domain, since they mainly deal with the mobilization of knowledge associated with the knowledge of the mathematical content itself, its relationships and about mathematical practices. In addition, more than half of the studies deal with continuing education focused on the specialized knowledge of teachers who teach mathematics in elementary school. Finally, the math teacher's belief was shown to be fundamental in the constitution and construction of teaching knowledge, being pointed out by six of the eight productions inventoried.
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