Ways between Ethnomathematics and Ethnomodeling: from the emic to the ethical in the perspective of a dialogue with otherness
Ethnomathematics, Ethnomodeling, Teaching Plane Geometry, Isoperimetric problems, Ondjango.Abstract
This article aims to present an activity leading to the promotion of a dialogue between the cultural knowledge of the ethnic-linguistic Umbundu people, who are located in the center of Angola, in the province of Bié, and academic knowledge. We seek to promote such dialogue through Ethnomodeling, which is based on otherness, respect for differences and mutual appreciation. This activity consisted of the interpretation of tacit mathematics, linked to cultural practice, which was the subject of a reinterpretation based on academic Mathematics. The results reveal the potential of a teaching and learning process that dialogues with different cultures, opposing the Eurocentric epistemological perspective based on a single and totalitarian rationality. Finally, it is noted that investing in the development of activities of this nature contributes to the dialogue between school knowledge and cultural knowledge.
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Webgrafia: History of Science em 2020, link: https://youtu.be/kUCNDK7DeKs
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