Poetic and image: acts of creation and sensations in the tale A oficina do escultor, by José Saramago

atos de criação e sensações no conto A oficina do escultor, de José Saramago





Jose Saramago, Poetics, Mimesis, Visual Arts, Eroticism


The present article is divided into two pieces: the first one discusses the relations among the poetic codes inherent in the cultural context of the Classical Age, as well as the relation such treatises established with other artistic manifestations, , especially the visual arts and t their creative processes ; and the second part, which, by means of the analysis of the act of creation in (and of) the short tale A oficina do escultor, from the book A bagagem do viajante (1973), by José Saramago, accomplished through a critical perspective offered by the esthetic contributions given by the studies of Victor Chklovski, Júlio Cortázar, Georges Bataille, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, uncovers, in the selected text, a poetics detached from the classic dictates  in which  a frontier cartography of the arts territories (and its genders) is unveiled, and is characterized by  its  blurred  borders and by the subversion of the relation traditionally established between poetry and image. 


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How to Cite

Costa Malufe, A., & Soares Rodrigues da Silva, M. (2022). Poetic and image: acts of creation and sensations in the tale A oficina do escultor, by José Saramago: atos de criação e sensações no conto A oficina do escultor, de José Saramago. FronteiraZ. Journal of the Postgraduate Studies in Literature and Literary Criticism Program, (28), 34–49. https://doi.org/10.23925/1983-4373.2022i28p34-49