Fronteiraz 30


Expansions of the literary element in the field of arts: theatricalities and dimensions


Guest editors:

Prof. Dr. André Goldfeder (Unicamp)

Prof. Dr. Fábio Roberto Lucas (PUC-SP)

Prof. Dr. Jorge Manzi Cembrano (Universidad de Chile)


Among the current dilemmas of integration and differentiation within the field of arts, three axes of critical and theoretical interrogation on the status of the artwork stand out: the transformation of aesthetic judgment towards a comparative naming in the face of individual works of art (de Duve, Aira); the instability of artistic autonomy, acting on the boundaries between the space of the artwork and the common world (Tassinari); the redefinition of the problem of artistic media, with new confrontations of the tension between specificity and nonspecificity (Krauss, Rancière). In literature, this set of problems presents itself in certain modes of theatricality, which explore intricacies of the scenography of enunciation (Maingueneau), porosities between the space of the text and its other spaces, tensions between enunciative situations, enunciative acts and the materialities of the media, where anti-theatrical strategies also operate (Puchner, Fried). In parallel, there is a tendency towards prosification, whether in attrition with the reconstitution of specific practices – “prose as a matter of poetry” (Siscar, Gleize, Deguy) – or expansions such as “reality spectacles” (Laddaga), prose as a medium and matter of the expanded field. Such “ventriloquial”, “choral” (Süssekind) and hybrid enunciative dynamics point to a crisis of scales related to the destabilizing sociocultural effects of the financialization and globalization of local economies, unfolding more recently in the debate on ecological crisis and the Anthropocene, which radicalizes the instability of scales and measures that constitute the social and artistic experience.

This issue of Fronteiraz welcomes papers aimed at this field of debate, from different theoretical perspectives on the status of the literary text and the contemporary work of art, which may address analyses of works such as those by Nuno Ramos, Sergio Chejfec, Ricardo Aleixo, César Aira, Diamela Eltit, Veronica Stigger, Ana C., Samuel Beckett, Marcel Broodthaers, Christophe Tarkos, Pierre Alferi, among many others.


Deadline for submission of articles: March 10, 2022.

Reminder: the “Essays” and “Reviews” sections run at a continuous flow, irrespective of the thematic area chosen for the “Articles” section. For further details, please see norms in “Guidelines for authors” at