
Guest editors:

Profª Drª Nathaly Felipe Ferreira Alves [PUC (SP) / CNPq - Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Literatura e Crítica Literária]

Profª Drª Maria Aparecida Junqueira [PUC (SP) - Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Literatura e Crítica Literária]

Profª Drª Ana Karla Canarinos [UERJ (RJ) - Instituto de Letras]

Prof. Dr. Fadul Moura [UFMG (MG) - Faculdade de Letras]



The studies regarding imagery in poetry range from a focused observation of the word to a more elaborate composition of a literary work. The images within each poem engage with time, disclosing the perspectives of a literary project. Each poet creates a signature based on the repertoire they draw upon, making them more than mere collectors of well-known elements from tradition. It’s important to highlight that there are multiple understandings of the concept of image. Such critical-theoretical guidelines can relate the image to the structure of poems, where the imagistic process functions as a sensory journey, a defamiliarization of our reading process and a distinct perception of reality. Poetic images rapidly and powerfully establish semantic connections tied to sensory issues (whether we think of them as tropes, metaphors, or metonymy, producing illuminations of meaning that go beyond mere rhetorical devices). Therefore, it wouldn't be imprudent to consider the image and its construction in terms of an ‘imaginal poetic thought’ that does not duplicate the world in its likeness but recreates our experience with reality. By operating imagistically, the artist leaves their signature on the text and in history, imprinting themselves in the work as they critique and transform it.

Wishing to broaden the scope of discussion, the call for papers of issue number 32 of the Revista FronteiraZ is interested in discussing the relationship between poetry and imagery. Thus, we encourage the submission of various critical-theoretical works, including the analysis of both verbal and non-verbal poetic artworks, discussions about the immanence of the concept of image and its transformation in poetry throughout history, as well as the intersections of poetic language with other artistic languages. We remind that the ‘Essays’ and ‘Reviews’ sections have a continuous submission process, regardless of the theme for the ‘Articles’ section. For further details, please refer to the editing guidelines under ‘Author Guidelines’ at the following address: