Guimarães Rosa's reverberations in the imaginary of artistic experiments
Brazilian literature, Creation processes, Networks of creation, Guimarães Rosa, Intersemiotic translationAbstract
The article aims to reflect, within the scope of studies on creation processes, on the generating power of Guimarães Rosa's work on experiments in a wide range of artistic manifestations. In the context of the concept of subject in community (COLAPIETRO, 2014), the procedure of coining terms in interaction with the literary project of Ignácio de Loyola Brandão will be discussed. Two intersemiotic translation processes will also be presented (PLAZA, 1976), from the perspective of critical theory of process (SALLES, 2066) in dialogue with Pierre Musso (2004) and Edgar Morin (2008). First, Roberto Santos’ movie A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga (1965); and then, in more detail, Rosa's relationships with some works by composer and writer Paulo César Pinheiro: the lyrics of the songs Sagarana (1969) and Matita-Perê (1973) and the novel Matinta, o Bruxo (2011).
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