The representation of black women in brazilian literature
a reading of Jarid Arraes’ cordels
Women's writing, Representation, Black Heroines, Protagonism, Jarid ArraesAbstract
This study has as it’s objective to analyze two cordels, integrated in the work Heroínas negras brasileiras em 15 cordéis, by author Jarid Arraes, which brings a counter discourse to the inferior roles given to two black women in brazilian literature, namely "Carolina Maria de Jesus" and "Maria Firmina dos Reis". In this work, Arraes (2021) deconstructs, through 15 cordels, some stereotyped representations that were associated to women in literature, using the bias of black female protagonism. The analysis perspective of this research was conducted based on the theory of intersectionality proposed by Collins and Bilge (2020), while the theoretical foundation was build from reflections proposed by Zolin (2009), Evaristo (2005), Perrot (2007), among others. Through artistic, social and literary value that the respective work presents, we conclude that she can provoke important reflections on the erasure and silencing of black women in literature, especially for the school enviroment.
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