Aesthetic and structural effects of the transposition from orality to writing in orikis by Cláudio Daniel
Poetics, Literay Theory, Livro dos Orikis, Cláudio Daniel, Intermedial TranspositionAbstract
This work aims at examining the fluctuations in imagery, aesthetics and structure observable in the production of poems of the oriki genre outside the space of Afro-religious orality, so as to understand the reconfigurations of the poetic genre in contemporary works in relation to traditional models registered in the Yoruba territory. To this end, the productions of Pierre Verger (1999), Antonio Risério (1992, 1996) and Sìkírù Sàlámi (1990) will be evoked to investigate the orikis produced by Cláudio Daniel (2020). This investigation notes that there are significant differences in the production of aesthetic meanings in the merely written works of the poet under analysis. From the indicated authors and the reflections based on Literary Theory, it is possible to notice that the work is a poetic creation and an intermedial transposition of an oral genre to a written one.
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