On the margin of the margin
confluences between the beatnik poetry of Elise Cowen and the slam poetry of Paraná
Beat generation, Marginal poetry, Slam das Gurias, Literary invisibility, SilencingAbstract
Poetry, due to its subjective character, has great responsive power; in other words, it is possible to understand a certain time through reading it: there are answers in poetry. The movement called the beat generation was a precursor to marginal poetry which, in turn, gave visibility to other genres such as slam poetry. However, despite the revolutionary writings, it is possible to see that the production of the beat generation comes from writers (male). There is, therefore, a gap in the history regarding female writers. The movement known as Poetry Slam is the name given to spoken word poetry competitions arising from the authorial production of the periphery and marginal poetry. The main objective of this study is to give literary visibility to female poets from the beat generation (represented by Elise Cowen) and slam poetry from Paraná with regard to confluent points: invisibility to the detriment of male authors and blunt themes.
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