Representations of enslaved ships
Poem, Song, Transcreation, Voice, PerformanceAbstract
This work aims to investigate the different perspectives assumed by the poetic self in a sequence of related poems and songs, considering the distinct contextualizations in which they emerged. Through inquiries – who speaks? who sings? – we discuss the displacements of the enunciator, caused by the aesthetic rearrangements (transpoetic, thematic and vocoperformatic) in each of the selected works. We rely especially on the works of Campos (1986), Kotte (2000), Meyer (2002) to analyze the written poems, and for discussions on the vocoperformances, on the works of Tatit (1996), Molina (2016), Zumthor (1997). Upon concluding the analyses and comparisons of the poems and songs, we present our final conclusions regarding the effects that such aesthetic displacements engender and the questions they raise.
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