The third thing
the imagery in the study of the poetic image
Sergei Eisenstein, Interarts studies, Cinematography, Montage, Imagery structureAbstract
The aim of this article is to discuss the concept of imagery explored by filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein in his theoretical writings, in which he reflects on the processes of artistic image construction and its specificities. Within this perspective, a close examination of literary structures establishes the relevance of the poetic construction in understanding the artistic image as a complex emotional and intellectual system. Throughout the article, the basis of the concept and its relationship with poetic language are discussed on the basis of studies by Sergei Eisenstein, Boris Eikhenbaum, Yuri Lotman, Boris Kazansky and Leonid Timofeev. By analyzing the imagery extracted from Hilda Hilst's “Prelúdios-intensos para os desmemoriados do amor”, the aim is to verify how the imagery composes the poem’s deep structure, demonstrating that the experience of imagery construction in the field of poetry observed by Eisenstein has a modus operandi that can contribute to strengthening intermedia studies of the artistic image today.
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