This is not a clown!
Joker (2019), the artist beneath the shadow of the bat
Joker, cinema, foucault, narrative, politicsAbstract
This article aims to present a reading of Joker (2019) by Todd Philips as a proposal for the deconstruction of a hegemonic history. With a conceptual framework based on some works by Michel Foucault, we seek an understanding of various mechanisms of power in the establishment of an identification of villainy as a Manichean vision of the socio-political and economic complexity of the fictional Gotham City. Thus, this investigation will enter some debates about the conditions of possibility of building truths within classical narratives. This work seeks not only an analysis of the protagonist of the film, but also its use as an object of study that serves as a demonstration of some theoretical approaches that present a questioning of certain dominant structures.
AUTOR, 2021.
AUTOR, 2022.
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