The The official collective memory and necropower:
the extermination groups in "Você também pode dar um presunto legal" (1973)
necropolitics, Death Squad, official colective memory, civil militar dictatorship, war machineAbstract
In this article, we present a sociological and imagetic study of the short film Você também pode dar um presunto legal (1973), by director Sérgio Muniz, based on the concepts of necropolitics and war machines in Achille Mbembe and the theoretical contributions of Michael Pollak in his article Memória, Esquecimento, Silêncio. More specifically, it is an analysis that aims to establish how the plot of the work points to the naturalization of the establishment of death squads at the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and the official collective memory established by the regime in question. That is, the following scenario is presented. In the same way that the short exposes the maxims defended by the official memory exalted by the military regime, it also denounces the crimes and atrocities carried out by its agents. Muniz aims to denounce these crimes. The horrors of the death squads in the period of the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) establish the bases (albeit only in a symbolic sense) for the advent of a memory that can genuinely both fit and be adequate to the precepts of a legitimate process of remembrance and justice for the victims of the military regime and their descendants.
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