Literary, scientific, and philosophical discourse in C. S. Peirce



Literature and philosophy, Charles S. Peirce, Literary semiotics, Speculative grammar, Critical logic, Speculative rhetoric, Interpretation


For Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914), the founder of philosophical pragmatism and modern semiotics, there was no antagonism between literary and scientific discourse. Both literary and scientific texts are signs that propose arguments by means of symbols, indices, and icons. Similarly, scientific and literary arguments exert an autonomous semiotic agency and create realities of their own. The paper presents Peirce as a scientist as well as a reader and critic of world literature and gives an outline of his semiotic trivium of speculative grammar, critical logic, and speculative rhetoric and its applicability to the study of literary discourse.


Author Biography

Winfried Nöth, PUC São Paulo, TIDD

Winfried Nöt estudou em Münster e Genebra. Doutorou-se e obteve livre docência na Universidade de Bochum, Alemanha. Foi catedrático e diretor do Centro de Estudos em Cultura da Universidade de Kassel e professor convidado das universidades de Wisconsin, PUC São Paulo e Humboldt de Berlim. É professor em Semiótica Cognitiva do TIDD desde 2011. Escreveu vinte, organizou quinze livros e 400 artigos publicados em quinze línguas. Seus estudos atuais são dedicados a temas da semiótica cognitiva e computacional, à semiótica geral e à filosofia da mente de Charles S. Peirce.


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