Live Interactional Practices in Digital Platforms
A Case Study of CNN Brazil on YouTube
live television broadcast, interactional practices, sentiment analysis, sociosemioticsAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine interactional practices in live broadcasts in digital platforms. The corpus consisted of collected comments from the chat of CNN’s live stream on YouTube during the Bolsonaro supporter’s demonstration on February 25, 2024, at Avenida Paulista. After a quantitative collection, approximately 14 thousand comments made during the two-hour broadcast were analyzed using sentiment analysis methodology. Subsequently, based on Sociossemiotics, the interactional practices performed by the participants were identified. As a result, it was observed that the polarization between supporters of Lula and Bolsonaro is expressed by the alternation of sentiments, reflecting a regime of regularity and intentionality; The association of sentiment analysis with a sociosemiotic approach proved fruitful, prompting further studies from this combination.
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