From mineralogy to geology: forty years that changed the sciences in Brazil (1876-1919)
history of science, teaching of geology, geological map, textbook, John Casper Branner (1850-1922)Abstract
This study is the findings on the history of geologic mapping of Brazil and the alternatives of the case for teaching. It intends to highlight the intersection between prospection of mineral resources (a cultural character from Brazil colonia exploration) and the pedagogic worries to divulgate the geology among Brazilian cultural elites in ends of nineteenth century by means of School of Mines (created in 1876) and polytechnic schools. The strategic point to study is on the John Casper Branner's works (particularly his textbook – first and second editions, 1906 and 1915, and his geological map of Brazil, 1:5.000.000, published in English and Portuguese in 1919) because they show up the views of science, of geology and teaching; we defend that they present a framework of the geological sciences in Brazil. This framework reveals a network of naturalists, their contributions and their findings in terms of stratigraphic geology, mineral prospection, deposits and ores of iron and coal as well as the change of making geology. They put the stratigraphic marks to national geology, Branner synthetizes this making upon teaching perspectives. Branner's works (textbook and geological map) display a conception of science, of geology and the teaching which are fundamentals to organize Brazilian geological sciences. The combination of pedagogical and technical concerns reveals the inflection of mineralogical to geological studies in the ends of nineteenth century and the emergence of the making of geology because of theoretical and practical concerns.
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