Uma República de cientistas na Era Vargas: A atuação científica e política de Carlos Estêvão de Oliveira (1930-1945).
This article is set in the field of the History of Science and aims to Carlos Estêvão de Oliveira's career in the state apparatus of the Vargas Vargas era after the 1930 Revolution. O Pernambuco intellectual worked for more than a decade at the head of this institution and established inter-institutional partnerships and federal technical councils in a context in which the Brazilian reorganizing the Brazilian heritage field and defining new guidelines for its safeguarding. This analysis seeks to contribute to understanding the close relationship that was established between intellectuals and the state, characterized by power struggles and personal interests. interests. In addition, by seeking to understand Carlos Estêvão de Oliveira in the Vargas government, it seeks to emphasize how the institution he managed became a concern of the central power.
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