Conjunto, correspondência, número cardinal e muito mais

o capítulo VII do livro “As Ideias Fundamentais da Matemática” em comparação com seus manuscritos


  • Rodrigo Rafael Gomes IFSP



This work addresses chapter VII of “The fundamental ideas of mathematics”, a book written by the brazilian mathematician, engineer and astronomer Manuel Amoroso Costa (1885-1928) and published in 1929. The published chapter presents the concepts of set, correspondence, cardinal number and infinite set, but the manuscripts of the text reveal much more: subjects that would be treated and references consulted by the author were later omitted, the chapter would originally appear in a different order from that in the book, the author's indecisions that produced several erasures in the document. All these aspects of the text production process, in their interrelationship with the mathematical ideas contained therein, are discussed in this article, which also presents transcriptions of some fragments of the two drafts that Amoroso Costa produced for the book.





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