A Herança De Galileu Na Construção De Uma Luneta De Inox
Astronomia, Educação Científica, História da Ciência, InterdisciplinaridadeAbstract
The inclusion of the construction of astronomical instruments, such as a telescope, as an integral part of practical activities in an Astronomy course within a Physics program is an interdisciplinary approach. This method involves historical, optical, and metallurgical concepts, incorporating previous knowledge and skills, providing students with a broader understanding of scientific principles. The use of stainless steel in the construction of the telescope is highlighted, exploring its properties and evolution over time. The hands-on experience of building and using the telescope not only fosters the development of practical skills but also enhances students' learning and encourages dialogue among students and teachers. Additionally, it is important to emphasize the significance of technological innovation and the interaction between theory and practice in scientific education. This approach provides an engaging and comprehensive educational experience, contributing to the holistic development of students.
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