Revolt and Melancholy in Modernity: Michael Löwy and the Antinomies of Romanticism




Michael Löwy, romanticism, modernity, Marxism.


Inspired by the recent publication of the second edition of Revolt and Melancholy: Romanticism against Modernity, by Michael Löwy and Robert Sayre, the goal of this article is to problematize the importance of the question of romanticism in the work of the former author, situating it in the context of his singular interpretation of Marxism as a modern criticism of modernity, in line with the challenges of the present. It hypothesizes that the Löwyan vision of romanticism becomes fully intelligible when it is viewed in the light of his elastic conception of both modernity and Marxism, the latter understood as an “open” theory capable of “absorbing” elements of other modalities of social theory and thought.

Author Biography

Fábio Mascaro Querido, UNICAMP

Pós-doutorado em Sociologia pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor do Departamento e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas-SP, Brasil. Bolsista FAPESP. Autor de: Michael Löwy - marxismo e crítica da modernidade. São Paulo: Boitempo Editorial/Fapesp, 2016.



How to Cite

Querido, F. M. (2019). Revolt and Melancholy in Modernity: Michael Löwy and the Antinomies of Romanticism. Lutas Sociais, 23(42), 174–188.