Self-awareness in Talented

Analysis of Scientific Production


  • Taísa Candido de Batista Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Mariane Lima de Souza Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Altemir José Golçalves Barbosa Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



Self-awareness, Gifted, Talent, Scientific production


Self-awareness refers to the individual’s ability to become the object of his own conscience. Considered a form of high-order awareness, it can play different roles in different theoretical models in the Gifted and Talent (D&T) area. In order to perform a systematic review of the literature on the relationship between self-awareness and D&T, 14 articles were recovered in the databases ERIC, PubMed, SAGE Publications and Academic OneFile from the Portal de Periódicos Capes, using the descriptors gifted, self-awareness and self-consciousness. The articles were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively, considering the age of the study participants, the operationalization of D&T, the relationship between self-awareness and D&T and the possible practical applications. The results emphasize the importance of self-awareness to the D&T, is to catalyze the development of the talents or to better identify this group. Teaching strategies that consider the intrapersonal characteristics of gifted are indicated.


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