MBTI Profile and the Four Temperament Typology
possible relationships between management and non-management positions
MBTI, Psychological types, Temperaments, Profile for management positionsAbstract
The present research aims to evaluate the existence of profiles from personality and temperament which can be associated with the occupants of management positions. In order to understand this relation, a documentary analysis has been made using 240,233 MBTI protocols, which represents the database of the company that owns the tool in Brazil from the period of 2007 to 2015. The theory of David Keirsey was used for this purpose and according to the characteristics of this study and the rules of the Ethics Committee, only the express authorization of the company was needed. The results indicate the ESTJ (Extroverted, Sensory, Rational, Judging) and ISTJ (Introverted, Sensory, Rational, Judging) personality typologies and the Guardian temperament are the ones that stand out the most for all types of positions and also 12.55% of the people analyzed in protocols occupied some management position. The conclusion presented there are no typology or temperament profiles that differentiate people who occupy management positions from those who do not. However, there are typologies and temperaments more frequently observed for professionals in different positions.
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