Interview with Ronaldo Pilati




pseudoscience, cognitive bias, heuristics, dual cognitive model


In this interview, Ronaldo Pilati discusses, in the perspective of cognitive and social psychology, the phenomenon of pseudoscience in the contemporary world. Pilati mobilizes the concept of pseudoscience that he introduced is his book “Why we believe in what we want to believe” (2018) and concepts of cognitive bias and heuristics, both originated from the dual cognitive model.

Author Biographies

Gustavo Rick Amaral, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

Gustavo Rick Amaral is PHD in Technology of Intelligence and Digital Design at the Catholic Pontifical University of São Paulo (PUC-SP); masters in Communication and Semiotics - PUC-SP. Research area: theoretical semiotics; philosophy of science and epistemology; communication and science divulgation; application of Data Science and A. I.-assisted methodologies in semiotic research; application of cognitive models in the study of general signification process and various disinformation phenomena. He is author of the book “Will the advances of science put an end to philosophy?” (written with the physicist Ronaldo Marin [2020]). He is a researcher at the International Center for Peirce Studies at the Catholic University of São Paulo (CIEP-PUC-SP) and a member of the Transobjeto research group (dedicated to the study of the implications of emergent techno-sciences in epistemology, ethics and politics) at PUC-SP. He is professor of Communication at Anhembi Morumbi University.

Beatriz Vera, Secretaria de Comunicação do Estado de São Paulo

Pesquisadora na Cátedra Oscar Sala (IEA-USP) 2021, formada em jornalismo pela FAPCOM (2017). Assessora de imprensa na Secretaria de Comunicação do Estado de São Paulo. CV Lattes:


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