Espousals images in the Song of Songs and The Interior Castle: Approaching the “spiritual marriage”
The metaphorical expression has gained strength and has a special recognition in any field of science of language as a powerful means of communication, not only in terms of feelings, but also as a deep doctrinal content. The metaphor shines in all its fullness as beautiful instrument to develop a theological pragmatics, although the lived reality overcomes this incomparable verbal invitation. The Song of Songs is present in the Teresian writing. The seventh mansion can be read as a good summary of latent Teresian theological anthropology. Upon reaching at the main dwelling of “Castillo”, the person may have gained awareness of the process performed. The experience of giving himself love is what she calls “spiritual marriage”, that occurs when the mystery of grace and you can be life of others.Downloads
How to Cite
Jacob, S. C., & Serrano, A. (2014). Espousals images in the Song of Songs and The Interior Castle: Approaching the “spiritual marriage”. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 4(8), 41–55.
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