The Song of songs in the work of Luis de Leon, San Juan de la Cruz Y Juan Gelman language, children and spiritual experience
This paper aims to study the intertextual traces dell Song of Songs in the work of Luis de León, San Juan de la Cruz and Juan Gelman from a particular point of view: the resonance in the vernacular of small biblical book as founder dimension of an experience spiritual, emotional and literary time. Choosing our corpus may surprise but, for one, would like to emphasize the importance of two pivotal moments in the reception of the Song: the Spanish Renaissance, whose approach to the Bible is enriched by new currents philological and exegetical of which Luis de León is a sublime representative; the late twentieth century in which an insistent intertextuality observed with sanjuanista work in one direction often foreign to Christian spirituality, as in the case of the Argentine Juan Gelman.Downloads
How to Cite
Fabry, G. (2014). The Song of songs in the work of Luis de Leon, San Juan de la Cruz Y Juan Gelman language, children and spiritual experience. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 4(8), 56–65.
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