Theology and bioethics in the film: Mar adentro, Spain, 2004


  • Paulo Franco Taitson
  • Francisco das Chagas Santiago Silvestre
  • Jânio Santos da Cunha
  • Robson Feres de Oliveira



The article reflects on euthanasia and its consequences for which seeks to shorten the life of a patient known to be incurable. Film and Literature are equivalent here, being arts narratives that convey a story, and it is natural that the first has appropriated the second to boost its development. Through its own strategy, the two arts narratives met, making a discussion of the privilege of one over the other, which yields fruit until today. This practice can be seen in the Spanish film The Sea Inside, with theological reflections front the valuation of life issues, death, suffering and moral action. In the days of the time today is very rich, due to infinite horizons data by science and technology, which enable the creation and implementation of projects related to the protection and care of the reading of the death. But we know, at the same time that the pathway for degradation and even the establishment of a culture of death is also set. This is exactly why we cannot do without when we talk about death, to make a bioethical exercise and dialogue. Thus, theology, film and literature converge the light of the bioethical studies.



How to Cite

Taitson, P. F., Silvestre, F. das C. S., Santos da Cunha, J., & Feres de Oliveira, R. (2014). Theology and bioethics in the film: Mar adentro, Spain, 2004. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 4(7), 163–173.