The devil and temptation in Andersen’s “The Devil’s Mill”




Hans Christian Andersen, Devil, Temptation, The Devil’s Mill


This article will, through bibliographic research, make a theological evaluation of the short story “The Devil’s Mill”, by Hans Christian Andersen. This analysis will include the comparison between Andersen’s narrative and other narratives that include the figures of the devil as a tempter and the mill as a place of temptation. This tale illustrates how traditional narratives added to oral traditions can enable new readings of theological concepts, and reinventions of the biblical figure of the devil in popular culture. In the case of the short story analyzed in this research, it is possible to conclude that one of the objectives of this tale is to assure the faithful that, even if the devil is astute, it is possible to overcome him, and even deceive him, as Andersen demonstrated.

Author Biography

Vanessa Meira, Escola Superior de Teologia (EST - São Leopoldo, RS)

Pedagoga, Mestra e Doutoranda em Teologia (EST - São Leopoldo, RS), bolsista da CAPES.


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How to Cite

Meira, V. (2021). The devil and temptation in Andersen’s “The Devil’s Mill”. TEOLITERARIA - Revista De Literaturas E Teologias, 11(24), 393–414.